Why I’ve decided to join the boycott movement against Israel

As some of you may know, I’ve been against the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement for a while now. I’ve never supported it, for various reasons, which I won’t go into right now.

Because now, we’re here to talk about why I’ve decided to change my ways, and join the team.

I was pissed when they took Elvis Costello.

I was mad they got their hands on The Pixies.

And I was furious when they took Santana.

But now, the BDS movement seems to have fallen asleep. Because they have no problem with this guy performing in Israel!

Why I’ve decided to join the boycott movement against Israel
Justin Bieber (Flickr / jake.auzzie)

This is what I don’t understand: Does the BDS have criteria for who they attempt to block? Why has nothing been done to stop Bieber?!! WHY??? Because he SUCKS?

I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong. It’s hypocritical. The BDS movement must not target only quality artists. They have to target the crap ones, too!

This is where I come in. I’m going to stop BDS from turning into an artist-apartheid movement.

All artists are equal!!!

There’s still time till the show in April.