Podcast: +972 bloggers explore Israeli walls and borders

+972 bloggers and journalists discuss where Israel starts and stops. In his journey The Round Trip, Yuval Ben-Ami set out to explore the State of Israel’s first border – the 1949 armistice lines, also known as the 1967 borders. Haggai Matar, on the other hand, is presently investigating a newer frontier, the one created by Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank.

Podcast: +972 bloggers explore Israeli walls and borders


Listen to them discuss the geographical, political and moral implications of a land with shifting limits, in +972’s third podcast.



+972 Podcast – Haggai and Yuval discuss Israel’s borders by 972mag

View both projects in full:
The Wall – 10 Years On
The Round Trip

Previous +972 podcasts:
Pros and cons of the Palestinian UN bid
The tent protests and beyond